Are Benching Cubicles the Future of Cubicles?

Benching Office Cubicles

Today’s businesses run lean and mean. Budgets and office space are at a premium and both need to be allocated carefully. As a result, benching cubicles are becoming increasingly popular because of their space efficiency and low-cost.

What is a Benching Cubicle?

A benching office cubicle is essentially one long worksurface that is shared by several employees. Depending on your needs there can be low walls that separate coworkers, or it can simply run as one long table. Typically benching cubicles are outfitted with pedestals for storage. Because the design is minimal it is a very affordable option for businesses and requires the least amount of floor space. For example, you could replace two 6×6 cubicles that house two employees, with a benching cubicle, and sit approximately six employees. You just tripled the number of workers in that space. The cost difference between a traditional office cubicle and a benching cubicle can also be drastic. Because of its minimalist design a benching cubicle typically costs a fraction of the price of other cubicle designs. Benching cubicles are often used in call centers or offices where you need to fit a large number of employees in a smaller space.

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