Is your office too loud, too quiet, or are you falling asleep or becoming demotivated with a mundane task? Have you considered listening to music while you work? If you have, and management frowns at the idea of earbuds while you work, you may want to point them to this article by the New York Times – The Power of Music, Tapped in a Cubicle.
I’ve always been a firm believer in the positive effects of listening to music while you work, as a matter of fact I am listening to music right now. For me, music in my cubicle helps me escape the monotony of my work day and keeps me motivated. Luckily my boss has never frowned at listening to music while I work, but if he were to, I would simply point to this quote by Dr. Amit Sood, a physician of integrative medicine with the Mayo Clinic.
“People’s minds tend to wander, “and we know that a wandering mind is unhappy,” Dr. Sood said. “Most of that time, we are focusing on the imperfections of life.” Music can bring us back to the present moment.”
See that? Music makes you happy, and happy workers produce more and are more creative. Take that conservative boss! Furthermore, Teresa Lesiuk, an assistant professor in the music therapy program at the University of Miami, conducted research on how music affects workplace performance, and discovered that individuals who listened to music while they work completed tasks quicker and came up with better ideas.
She goes on to state that individuals who are unhappy tend to have a focused thought process whereas those who listen to music tend to consider more options and think more out-of-the-box.
Listening to music while you work isn’t for everyone and you should make sure that you aren’t plugged in for your entire work day (you don’t want to seem like all you do is listen to music all day). So next time you are getting bored, losing focus, or feeling stressed out, put on some of your favorite tunes and see if that doesn’t turn your day around.
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