Buying Cubicles on A Small Budget
If you are starting a new business and don’t have a very large budget for accessories in your office, then ordering used office furniture could be...More
3459 0If you are starting a new business and don’t have a very large budget for accessories in your office, then ordering used office furniture could be...More 3459 0What will your office look like in 10 years, 20 years or even 30 years? How will it work? What type of technologies will exist at that time? These...More 3251 0If you have noticed in the past 10 years a new type of employee has come into play. Poeple in their mid 20's to mid 30's play to a different drum....More 3284 0Lets face it, sitting in a cubicle all day long can be a very boring experience. BUT!!! If you know how to soup up your cubicle with the latest...More 3514 0Let’s be honest, the number of workers who truly work an eight hour day is minimal. Everyone has a breaking point where they need to clear their...More 4849 0Is the telecommuting the wave of the future? Are pundits right when they say that remote work is going to kill office work? While telecommuting has...More 3725 0I recently stumbled across an article that discussed the benefits of humor in the office by the BBC that can be read here. I, for one, am a huge...More 6487 0It’s 6 A.M. and your alarm clock selfishly awakens you. Reluctantly you lift yourself out of bed to take a shower. What’s the very first thought...More 5269 0The satellite office has become more common place within the last few years. It offers sales teams a place to meet, work and network with each other....More 3745 0The modern office has a clean feel. It utilizes neutral colors, whites and sharp lines. It also can splash color in certain areas to create depth and...More 4605 0This office spares no expense. Its mostly used in attorney firms, Law offices and businesses of that nature. Not only is the furniture / cubicles...More 4541 0Almost every business requires their office cubicles to function differently. Selecting the right office cubicle is important because it can affect...More 5099 0Outfitting a small office with furniture can be a daunting task. You must be creative in your selection of office furniture items as well as budget...More 3943 0Copyright 2016 LLC