Tiled 6X6 Cubicles 67″ With Files / Bin / Glass
These higher end, 6X6 office cubicles provide more privacy while maintaing an open feel to your office environment. Each cubicle is 67" tall and...More
8752 0Segmented Cubicles or frame and tile cubicles are cubicles that provide a two tone fabric appearance, essentially allowing you to select two or more fabric colors per panel. Our segmented cubicles are of the highest quality and design making them ideal for companies looking for something extra. Design firms love utilizing the two tone fabric options to splash color and design elements. You can also select your own outside vendor for fabrics and we can apply that fabric to each panel. Our segmented cubicles come with a lifetime warranty and come in a large number of fabric and paint color options including COM. Call or email us today for you free space plan and quote. Call or Chat online today.
These higher end, 6X6 office cubicles provide more privacy while maintaing an open feel to your office environment. Each cubicle is 67" tall and...More
Cubicles.net 8752 0These tiled, 6X6 office cubicles come with one box box file, one file file, one over head storage bin and one over head shelf. These cubicles have...More
Cubicles.net 8988 0These tiled, 6X6 office cubicles are 67" tall and come with one box box file, one file file and two over head storage bins. Each cubicle comes...More
Cubicles.net 8696 0Each office cubicle is 6X6 and 67" tall. Each cubicle comes with one file file, one box box file and one overhead storage bin. These cubicles are...More
Cubicles.net 7871 0These top of the line office cubicles are 6X6, 53" tall. Each cubicle comes with one file file and one box box file. You can choose up to four...More
Cubicles.net 3440 0These top of the line 6X6 office cubicles are 53" tall and come with one file file one box box file, two shelves and frameless glass on all cubicle...More
Cubicles.net 3606 0These 6X6, tiled office cubicles are 53" tall and come with one file file, one box box file and two over head shelves for additional storage. you can...More
Cubicles.net 3360 0These cubicles are great for adding additional privacy while maintaining an open office environment. Each office cubicle comes with one file file and...More
Cubicles.net 3212 0These 6X6, tiled office cubicles have a lifetime warranty. Each office cubicle comes with frameless glass on all panels, one box box file and one...More
Cubicles.net 3684 0These 6X6, tiled office cubicles are 48" tall and come with one file file and one box box file. Each cubicle can ship within 5 or 10 days depending...More
Cubicles.net 3544 0Our tiled 6X6 cubicles come with one file file, tiled panel design, 6X6 configuration and 48" tall panels. Each office cubicle comes with a lifetime...More
Cubicles.net 3552 0These 53", tiled, call center cubicles come with your choice of two fabric options and are in stock. Each cubicle comes with power down the spine...More
Cubicles.net 6653 0These tiled call center cubicles come with one over head storage bin and one file file or box box file. Each cubicle is 67" tall, 4' wide and 2'...More
Cubicles.net 6751 0These tiled call center cubicles can come with three different fabric options. You can also add glass tiles, laminate tiles or marker boards. These...More
Cubicles.net 6754 0These are top of the line call center cubicles. You can choose three fabric options to create an high end feel without breaking your budget. These...More
Cubicles.net 6793 0These tiled call center cubicles are 53" tall, 4' wide and 2' long. Each office cubicle comes with one box box file or file file, two tone fabric of...More
Cubicles.net 3588 0These tiled call center cubicles are 4' wide, 2' long and 53" tall. Each cubicle comes with power down the spine including two receptacles and one...More
Cubicles.net 3410 0Tiled call center cubicles, 48" tall, 4' wide and 2' long. Each cubicle comes with one box box file or file file pedestal. You have the option of...More
Cubicles.net 3216 0These tiled cubicles can come with a two-tone fabric option at no charge. These office cubicles are 4' wide, 2' long and 48" tall. Each cubicle comes...More
Cubicles.net 3262 0These tiled call center cubicles are 4' wide, 2' long and 39" tall. These call center cubicles are at a great price and offer one box box file. In...More
Cubicles.net 3152 0These are the least expensive tiled cubicles we offer. These cubicles are 4' wide, 2' long and 39" tall. Each office cubicles comes with power down...More
Cubicles.net 3271 0Copyright 2016 Cubicles.net LLC